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Repeat these affirmations 100 times while staring deeply into the mirror before work every morning, as needed throughout the day, and then 100 more times at night.
If you've ever worked a retail job, you know that every shift is an emotional rollercoaster. Between interacting with crazy customers, cleaning up epic messes in the dressing room, and being on your feet for 10 hours at a time, it doesn't take long to feel run down and worn out—physically, emotionally, and spiritually.
To thrive in the retail world and resist losing all faith in humanity, you need to protect and nourish your spiritual center. Here are 11 retail-centric affirmations to get you started. I suggest repeating all the affirmations on this list 100 times while staring deeply into the mirror before work every morning, as needed throughout the day, and then 100 more times at night.
You'll be whistling your way through inventory in no time!
1. I will not lose faith in humanity even when humanity immediately ransacks the table of dress shirts I just spent an hour folding.
2. The amount of store credit cards I open today does not determine my self-worth.
3. My soul is not dead, contrary to how I feel sometimes when telling someone they should totally buy those polyester floral print harem pants.
4. The customer is always right but they are not always sane. The customer is always right but they are not always sane. The customer is always right but they are not always sane.
5. I live in a kind, bountiful universe despite the fact that people are incapable of finding an appropriate trash receptacle for their fucking Starbucks cups.
6. I can manifest anything I want in life, but I cannot accept coupons that expired 2 years ago.
7. I acknowledge my innate oneness with every other living being, except the people who come in 5 minutes before closing, try on everything in the store, trash the dressing room, and don't buy anything. Those people are the worst.
8. I will trust my intuition and be confident in my decisions no matter how many times my manager sighs pointedly in my general direction.
9. I embrace the impermanence and fluidity of life, especially when I get called in at 7 am on a Saturday that I really wanted off.
10. I accept the things I cannot change, like the inevitability of my register freezing when I have a line.
11. I do not need to hold onto negative emotions, especially the ones that belong to the lady who's trying to return a ketchup-stained blouse and just called me a stupid bitch.